
What Types Of Animals Does The Henry Doorly Zoo Have

  1. Date of Visit: Baronial 6 and vii 2021

    Species not seen in italics

    Notation that Stingray Embankment was skipped because it costs extra and didn't seem worth it

    Lied Jungle
    one. Luzon Bleeding-Heart, White-crested Laughingthrush
    ii. White-handed Gibbon, Asian Small-clawed Otter
    3. White-blotched River Stingray, unidentified other fish
    4. White-handed Gibbon, Baer's Pochard, Indian Crested Porcupine, unidentified pacu, White-blotched River Stingray, unidentified cichlids
    5. Solomon Isle Eyelash Frog, Splended Tree Frog, Boyd's Forest Dragon
    6. Blood Python
    vii. Eurasian Eagle-Owl
    8. Boyd'due south Wood Dragon
    nine. Malayan Tapir, Francois' Langur, Silvery Gibbon
    10. Blackness Howler Monkey, White-faced Whistling-Duck, assorted African cichlids, Nile Softshell Turtle
    11. Wolf's Guenon
    12. Violaceous Turaco, Blackness-and-rufous Elephant Shrew, African Pygmy Goose
    13. Home's Swivel-backed Tortoise, African Bullfrog, unidentified chameleon
    14. Pygmy Hippopotomas
    15. Spotted-necked Otter
    sixteen. Black-headed Spider Monkey, Malayan Tapir, unidentified waterfowl
    17. Smokey Jungle Frog
    xviii. Panamanian Golden Frog, Collared Tree Cadger
    nineteen. Collared Tree Cadger, Shine-sided Toad
    xx. Yellow Anaconda
    21. Blue Poisonous substance Dart Frog
    22. Green-and-black Poison Dart Frog, Hourglass Frog
    23. Smokey Jungle Frog, Green Basilisk
    24. Bluish-and-yellow Macaw
    25. Red-backed Bearded Saki, Common Squirrel Monkey, Lowland Paca, Arapaima, Yellowish-spotted Amazon River Turtle, Redtail Catfish, Pirapitinga, unidentified turtle
    Gratis-roaming: Sunbittern, Nicobar Dove, Nicobar Pigeon, Grayness-capped Emerald Dove, Pied Imperial-Pigeon, Bluish-gray Tanager, Crested Oropendola, Blackness Crake, Javan Pond-Heron, "Blueish-crowned Motmot", Greenish Royal-Pigeon, Egyptian Fruit Bat, Hammerkop, Indian Flying Play a trick on, Western Crowned-Pigeon, Hadada Ibis (signage is lacking hither and so there are probably more species that I missed)

    Desert Dome
    Namib Desert
    1. Bat-eared Play a joke on
    two. White-headed Buffalo Weaver
    3. Blacksmith Plover
    four. Klipspringer, Helmeted Marsh Terrapin, Nile Softshell Turtle, assorted African cichlids
    5. African Wildcat
    6. Common Dwarf Mongoose
    7. Assorted African cichlids
    8. Puff Adder
    9. Namibian Sand Gecko
    10. Cape Coral Cobra
    11. Zebra Spitting Cobra
    12. Behemothic Plated Lizard
    13. Cape Cobra
    14. Cape Cobra
    xv. Black Mamba

    Red Center
    1. Rough-scaled Python
    ii. Lace Monitor
    3. Centralian Python
    iv. Inland Taipan
    v. Dark-brown Tree Snake, Rough-scaled Expiry Adder
    6. Collett's Snake
    7. Rex Brown
    8. Taipan, Mediterranean Gecko
    9. Kimberley Rock Monitor
    10. Perentie
    11. Tawny Frogmouth, Laughing Kookaburra, Masked Lapwing
    12. Cunningham's Skink
    13. Eastern Pilbara Spiny-tailed Skink

    Sonoran Desert
    one. Collared Peccary
    two. Ocelot
    3. Burrowing Owl
    4. Greater Roadrunner, Burrowing Owl
    5. Bobcat
    vi. Mexican Spiny-tailed Iguana, Baja Blue Stone Lizard, unidentified chuckwalla
    7. Giant Mexican Horned Cadger, Common Chuckwalla, Baja Blue Rock Lizard, Common Collared Lizard
    8. Western Diamondback
    9. unidentified fish
    ten. Eastern Screech-Owl
    eleven. Turkey Vulture
    12. Spiny-tailed Iguana, Sonoran Box Turtle
    thirteen. Swift Fox
    xiv. Arizona Black Rattlesnake
    xv. Cantil Viper
    16. Mexican Beaded Cadger
    17. Santa Catalina Island Rattlesnake
    18. Sidewinder
    19. Santa Catalina Island Rattlesnake
    20. Mottled Stone Rattlesnake
    21. Redtail Splitfin
    22. White-nosed Coati

    Free-roaming Dome: White-winged Dove, Star Finch, Speckled Mousebird, Cape Thick-Knee, Southern Crimson Bishop, Northern Blood-red Bishop, Yellow-crowned Bishop, Chestnut Weaver, Hooded Oriole, Scott's Oriole, Gambel's Quail, Salvadori's Weaver, Yellow-billed Duck, Cape Teal, Hottentot Teal, Australian Wood Duck, Chestnut Teal, Cinnamon Teal

    Mahoney Kingdoms of the Dark
    one. Naked Mole-Rat
    2. Fossa
    3. Fossa
    four. Prehensile-tailed Porcupine, Due south African Springhaas, Greater Bushbaby
    v. Amazon Milky Tree Frog
    6. Green Tree Python, Magnificent Tree Frog
    seven. Woma Python
    8. Jamaican Boa
    9. Mexican Leafage Frog
    10. Haitian Boa
    11. South African Sprinhaas, Potto, Greater Bushbaby, Hoffmann's 2-toed Sloth
    12. Aardvark, African Brush-tailed Porcupine
    xiii. Mexican Blind Cave Fish
    14. Seba's Short-tailed Bat
    15. Mexican Bullheaded Cave Fish
    16. Lake Titicaca Frog
    17. Common Vampire Bat
    18. Banded Knob-tailed Gecko
    19. Red-rumped Agouti, unidentified dourocouli, Prehensile-tailed Porcupine, Nine-banded Armadillo, Southern Three-banded Armadillo, Screaming Hairy Armadillo
    xx. Tammar Wallaby, Short-beaked Echidna
    21. Tammar Wallaby, Short-beaked Echidna
    22. Fly River Turtle, Northern Australian Ophidian-necked Turtle, Krefft's River Turtle, Pink-bellied Side-necked Turtle, Freshwater Crocodile
    23. Common Vampire Bat
    24. Ruwenzori Long-haired Fruit Bat
    25. Greater Spear-nosed Bat, Greater Bulldog Bat
    26. Egyptian Fruit Bat, Little Aureate-mantled Flight Fox, Dandy Indian Flying Fox
    27. Eastern Tiger Salamander
    28. Corn Snake
    29. American Beaver, River Cooter, Florida Softshell Turtle, Longnose Gar, Alligator Gar, Common Snapping Turtle
    30. American Alligator
    31. American Alligator, Alligator Snapping Turtle
    32. American Bullfrog, Yellow-blotched Map Turtle, Painted Turtle
    33. Eastern Indigo Snake
    34. Spectacled Caiman
    35. American Crocodile, Alligator Snapping Turtle, Common Snapping Turtle

    Lizard Sun Room
    one. unidentified chameleon
    2. unidentified chameleon
    three. unidentified lizard
    4. Kimberley Rock Monitor
    5. Baja Blue Rock Lizard
    6. unidentified monitor
    *various unlabeled terrarium which may or may non have independent annihilation

    Bay Family Children'due south Adventure Trails
    1. Domestic Goat
    two. Black-tailed Prairie Dog
    3. Outback Trail walk-through: Domestic Budgerigar

    Owen Sea Lion Shores
    1. California Sea King of beasts, Harbor Seal

    Simmons Asylum
    1. Simmons Asylum (free-flight): Bar-headed Goose, Ruddy Shelduck, White Stork, Roseate Spoonbill, Blackness Crowned Crane, Blood-red Ibis, Blackness-necked Swan, Mandarin Duck, Red-crested Pochard, Chiloe Wigeon, Marbled Teal, Cattle Egret, Straw-necked Ibis, American Flamingo, Cinnamon Teal, Redhead, Rosybill Pochard, Hadada Ibis, Waldrapp Ibis, Inca Tern, Hammerkop, Northern Shoveler, Ringed Teal, Blue-winged Teal

    Hubbard Expedition Republic of madagascar
    i. Mongoose Lemur
    2. Straw-colored Fruit Bat
    three. Crested Coua
    4. Yes-Aye
    5. Gray Mouse Lemur, Giant Jumping Rat
    6. Henkel's Leaf-tailed Gecko
    seven. Lesser Vasa Parrot
    viii. Ring-tailed Lemur, Common Brown Lemur, Mongoose Lemur
    9. Madagascar Spiny-tailed Iguana, Republic of madagascar Plated Cadger, Flat-tailed Tortoise, Giant Day Gecko, unidentified chameleon
    ten. Madagascar Spiny-tailed Iguana
    11. Madagascar Ground Boa, Malagasy Hognose Snake
    12. unidentified Malagasy cichlid x3
    13. Crimson Ruffed Lemur, Common Dark-brown Lemur
    14. Golden Mantella, Climbing Mantella, Madagascar Reed Frog, Green Mantella, Blue-legged Mantella
    15. Fossa
    16. Ring-tailed Lemur
    17. Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur, Radiated Tortoise, Collared Lemur

    Asian Highlands
    one. Reeve's Muntjac, Red Panda
    2. White-naped Crane
    three. Tufted Deer
    4. Sloth Bear
    5. Amur Tiger
    6. Snowfall Leopard
    7. Takin, Chinese Goral
    8. Indian Rhinoceros
    9. Indian Rhinoceros, Pere David'south Deer

    ane. Koi, Egyptian Goose, Blackness-handed Spider Monkey

    Scott African Grasslands
    1. Bongo, Blueish Crane
    2. African Spurred Tortoise
    3. African Spurred Tortoise
    four. Sable Antelope
    5. African Lion
    6. Cheetah
    7. Pinkish-backed Pelican, Koi
    8. Grant's Zebra, Impala, Bush Elephant
    ix. Domestic Goat
    10. Southern White Rhino
    11. Generic Giraffe, Lesser Kudu, Impala, Common Ostrich, White Stork
    12. Bush-league Elephant
    13. Bush Elephant
    14. Generic Giraffe
    15. Generic Giraffe
    xvi. Rock Hyrax, Gilded-breasted Starling, Kenyan Crested Guineafowl, Cape Thick-Human knee, African Cherry-billed Hornbill
    17. White-throated Monitor
    18. Leopard Tortoise, Klipspringer, Meerkat
    19. Meerkat
    twenty. Okapi, Abyssian Basis Hornbill, Yellow-backed Duiker
    21. Okapi, Abyssian Ground Hornbill, Xanthous-backed Duiker

    Garden of the Senses
    one. Red-crowned Parrot
    two. Hyacinth Macaw
    3. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
    four. Reddish Macaw
    5. Blue-and-yellow Macaw
    vi. Yellow-headed Amazon, Blue-fronted Amazon
    7. Military machine Macaw
    8. Eclectus Parrot

    Bernice Grewcock Butterfly and Insect Pavillion
    1. Walk-through Butterfly Fly: False Zebra Longwing, Cyndo Longwing, Small Postman, Golden Helicon, Tiger Longwing, Postman, Blackness and Tan Page, Common Tiger, Pink Cattleheart, unidentified longwing
    2. Golden Orb-web Spider
    three. Eastern Lubber Grasshopper
    iv. Common Carrion Beetle
    5. Tanzanian Tailess Whip Scorpion
    vi. Mexican Flame-leg Tarantula
    7. Hercules Beetle
    eight. Elephant Beetle
    9. Bush Cricket
    10. Giant Water Issues
    11. Giant Prickly Stick Insect
    12. Decease's Caput Cockroach
    13. Domino Roah
    fourteen. Black Soldier Wing
    fifteen. Blue-crowned Laughingthrush, Crested Forest-Partridge
    16. Orange-spotted Roach
    17. Two-spot Assassin Bug
    eighteen. Common Pill Woodlouse, unidentified springtail
    xix. Yellow-belly Flower Beetle
    twenty. Black Dazzler Walking Stick
    21. Dragon-headed Katydid
    22. Jungle Nymph
    23. Derby's Blossom Beetle
    24. Golden Orb-spider web Spider
    25. Saffron Finch
    26. Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
    27. unidentified jumping stick
    28. Elephant Beetle
    29. African Behemothic Millipede
    thirty. Common Emperor Scorpion
    31. Mexican Golden Ruby-rump Tarantula
    32. unidentified darkling protrude
    33. Blue Death-feigning Beetle
    34. Peacock Tarantula
    35. White-toe Tarantula

    Hubbard Orangutan Forest
    ane. Bornean Orangutan, Francois' Langur
    two. Bornean Orangutan, Siamang

    Suzanne and Walter Scott Aquarium
    ane. Affect Pool: Kelp Perch, Stubby Rose Anemone, Strawberry Anemone, Aggregating Anemone, Bat Star, California Spot Prawn, Concatenation Dogfish, Bay Star, Light-green Surf Anemone, Ochre Star, Giant Plumose Anemone, Wolf Eel
    ii. Barred Flagtail, African Moony
    3. Atlantic Puffin, Tufted Puffin, Common Murre
    4. King Penguin, Gentoo Penguin, Southern Rockhopper Penguin, Macaroni Penguin
    v. California Sheephead, California Moray, Horn Shark, California Scorpionfish, Brown Rockfish, Blue Rockfish, Copper Rockfish, Quillback Rockfish, Black Rockfish, Bat Star, Sunflower Sea Star
    half dozen. Japanese Giant Spider Crab, Longspine Snipefish, Spotted Ratfish, Porcupine Crab
    7. Kelp Bass, Ocean Whitefish, Wolf Eel, Purple Sea Urchin, Cherry Bounding main Urchin, Shiner Surfperch, Striped Surfperch, Ochre Star, Turban Snail, Garibaldi, Blackness Surfperch, Walleye Surfperch, Bat Star, unidentified fish, various unidentified anemones
    8. Lyretail Anthias, Yellowtail Damselfish, Brain Coral, Unicorn Tang, Pavona Coral, Chalice Coral, Clarkii Clownfish, Clown Tang, Hammer Coral, Yellowtail Coris, Toadstoll Coral, Derasa Giant Clam, Schooling Bannerfish, Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse, Mustard Tang, Midnight Snapper, Pinkish-skunk Clownfish, Springeri Damselfish, unidentified angelfish, Oriental Sweetlips
    9. Zebra Mantis Shrimp
    x. Bee Shrimp
    11. unidentified shark, unidentified stingray
    12. Cardinal Tetra, Lambchop Rasbora, unidentified algae eater, unidentified tetra
    thirteen. Blue Star Leopard Wrasse, Yellow Tang, unidentified wrasse, unidentified hermit crab
    14. Coral Banded Shrimp, Pistol Shrimp, Pinkish Skunk Clownfish, unidentified fish, assorted unidentified corals
    fifteen. Tunnel Tank: Green Sea Turtle, Southern Stingray, Zebra Shark, Nurse Shark, Crevalle Jack, Horse-centre Jack, Sandbar Shark, Tarpon, Loggerhead Ocean Turtle, Tassled Wobbegong, Ornate Wobbegong, Spotted Wobbegong, Black Grouper, Queensland Grouper, Red Grouper
    16. unidentified fish x2
    17. Upside-down Jellyfish
    18. Due west Coast Bounding main Nettle
    19. Moon Jelly
    20. West Africa Body of water Nettle
    21. South American Sea Nettle
    22. Lookdown, Castilian Grunt, Blue-striped Grunt, Castilian Hogfish, Porkfish, Blue Caribbean area Tang, Needlefish, Village, French Angelfish, Cottonwick Grunt, Brown Chromis, Cuban Hogfish, Smallmouth Grunt, Blackness Durgon Trigger, unidentified angelfish x2
    23. Snowflake Moray, Dragon Moray, Moorish Idol, Porcupinefish, Raccoon Butterflyfish, Harlequin Tuskfish, unidentified fish x2
    24. Flame Angelfish, Mystery Wrasse, Purple Tang, Double Saddle Butterflyfish, Diana's Hogfish, Blacksaddle Filefish, Majestic Angelfish, Harlequin Tuskfish, Matanbei Angelfish, Percula Clownfish, Blue Tang, Desjardini Sailfin Tang, contrasted unidentified corals
    25. Captive Tang, Pyramid Butterflyfish, Powder Blue Surgeonfish, Sailfin Tang, Yellow Tang, Bluish-green Chromis, Imperial Anthias, various unidentified reef fish
    26. Spotted Garden Eel, Masked Angelfish, unidentified body of water urchin, Mystery Wrasse, Snowflake Moray, Orange Sunday Coral, Copperbanded Butterflyfish, Longnose Butterflyfish, Longhorn Cowfish, Solar Boxfish, Gorgonian Coral, Sunburst Anthias, Panda Eel
    27. Magpie Morwong, Stripey, Ornate Cowfish, Bigbelly Seahorse, Foxfish, Shaw's Cowfish, Pineconefish, Old Wife, Globefish, unidentified filefish
    28. Bristletail Filefish, Striped Blenny, Forktail Blenny, Pajama Cardinalfish, Stocky Anthias, Percula Clownfish, Lamarek Angelfish, Tuxedo Bounding main Urchin, Banggai Cardinalfish, Huchti Anthias, Maculosus Angelfish
    29. Raccoon Butterflyfish, Green Moray, Whitespotted Bamboo Shark, Palometa, Kuhl's Muskray, Tuxedo Urchin, Epaulette Shark, Cownose Ray, Porkfish, Foxface Rabbitfish, Bonnethead Shark
    30. unidentified pacu, unidentified pleco, Pike Cichlid, Toco Toucan, Redtail Catfish, unidentified snail, Flagtail Prochilodus, Ripsaw Catfish, Redbelly Piranha, unidentified silver dollar
    31. unidentified clownfish x2, various unidentified anemones

    Free-roaming: Indian Peafowl

  2. Great list! Give thanks yous for identifying the butterflies since I take been having some trouble trying to find out what they were myself, since I didn't see whatever signage for them.
  3. Turns out this is really Mueller'due south Gibbon - lamentable information technology wasn't signed!
  4. Another correction: There are boosted Straw-colored Fruit Bats sharing the Aye-Aye showroom.
  5. Another modest correction, I don't retrieve there are impala mixed with the elephants and zebras anymore. In that location was an incident a few years agone where an impala got stuck in a fence and concluded up drowning in the elephant pool. I didn't see any signage or reference to them being at that place anymore and then I would guess they are but in the main savannah at present.
  6. Did you see the Sable Antelope? The last several times I have been at that place, there have non been any out on exhibit.
  7. I added them because they were signed, I suspect y'all are correct and they are not mixed anymore.
    Yes, I saw one female.
  8. The total number of species seen on-exhibit at Omaha was 458. The number on brandish was likely higher than this (because of unsigned, unseen and unidentified species), and they must have many species off-brandish, besides, given that three areas of the zoo were closed. America'due south Top 100 Zoos and Aquariums lists Omaha'due south collection as having ~1400 species.
  9. That would mean that there would be almost m missing species..... How accurate is this?
    I mean to be fair exhibits were off display the time of this species list but still, almost 1000 is even so a lot.
  10. I discussed this with @snowleopard on some other thread. The 1400 numbers is probably accurate and about of the species are simply kept bts.
  11. It'south worth nothing, that Berlin'south enormous collection includes more than 500 spieces of fishes and more than 300 spieces of Invertebrates, part of which not visible to the public. Most likely, that's the example with Omaha too.
  12. At present that the Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom Pavilion has re-opened for the first fourth dimension since 2020. Hither are the species on exhibit in here:

    Prehensile Tailed Skink (x3 exhibits)
    Cave Rat Snake
    Giant Cave Cockroach
    Glass Lizard
    Red Eyed Crocodile Skink
    Gargoyle Gecko
    Chinese Crocodile Lizard
    Smooth Sided Toad
    Grunter Isle Boa
    Four Eyed Fish
    Diamond Fish
    Banded Archerfish
    Black Rat Ophidian
    Rhinoceros Rat Snake
    Spotted Turtle
    Orange Spotted Freshwater Stingray (off exhibit)
    Field Mouse


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