
What Does A Raven Mean As A Spirit Animal

Raven Symbolism, Meanings, and Spirit Animal Infused with special powers and mystery, raven symbolism and meanings accept entranced people from all over the world for centuries. Raven symbols include intelligence, adaptability, partnerships, guidance, transformation, and prophecy. And the raven spirit animal is a totem that exists in the mythology of cultures around the world.

In this post, you'll find a detailed guide on raven symbols, with ideas most what these signs could mean in your life. You'll also learn about raven mythology and more.

What does the raven symbolize?

Raven Symbolism

Ravens exist for themselves. They are non here for usa. Yet, they have much to teach united states of america. Similar their close cousin the crow, the raven is a deeply intelligent being. When the raven is your spirit guide, you are blessed with the capacity for powerful insights. If you are fascinated with ravens, by all means explore that sense of wonder. The raven tin can help to guide you on your soul'south journeying.

Here are some unremarkably shared raven meanings:

  • Intelligence and Cunning
  • Survival and Adaptability
  • Partnerships and Guidance
  • Transformation and Opportunity
  • Third Center, Prophecy, and Insights
"Ravens, Crows, and Magpies" by Wenceslaus Hollar
"Ravens, Crows, and Magpies" by Wenceslaus Hollar. Image: University of Toronto.

Difference Between a Raven and a Crow

In some ancient stories, it's difficult to determine whether the story is depicting a raven or a crow –  or a mutual antecedent of both species. Both birds are from a family unit of birds chosen Corvidae, or corvids. 1 This family unit also includes magpies, jays, rooks, jackdaws, nutcrackers, treepies, and choughs. However, even though the raven and the crow await a lot alike, specially with their shiny black feathers, in that location are differences between the two.

Ane of the main differences is that ravens are generally larger than crows. In addition, ravens tend to hang out in pairs, sticking with their mate. While crows adopt to congregate in large groups. Nevertheless, whether they spend time in large groups or with their significant other, both of these birds are monogamous and believed to mate for life.

Tail Feathers and Sounds

Some other key difference between the raven and the crow is the shape of their tail feathers. Ravens accept longer heart tail feathers, while crows' are all the same length. So, if yous see the two blackness birds in flight, the raven's feathers will look like a pointed wedge, while the crow's will look more like a fan.

The noises that ravens and crows make also different. The raven will make a deep croaking sound, while the crow makes a cawing sound. 2

Detailed Raven Meanings and Symbols

Here are some meanings and symbols that are practical to ravens and what they could mean in your life.

Intelligence and Cunning

Raven intelligence

The raven'due south brain is amongst the largest of any bird species, and they possess an boggling number of encephalon cells compared to the brains of other birds. 3 In fact, the raven, along with their cousin the crow, is considered to exist one the nearly intelligent animals on the planet, on par with wolves, coyotes, and primates.

The biologist Bernd Heinrich and linguist Derek Bickerton conjecture that ravens are one of just 4 animals, which includes humans, bees, and ants, that demonstrate the capacity to communicate about objects and events that are distant in space or time. For example, when a raven leaves his roost and finds a nutrient source, he volition return to his nest to tell his mate about the find, and then both will render to the identify to swallow. iv


Like the chimpanzee, the raven has likewise been shown to create and manipulate tools, thus they are sometimes described equally "inventors" by brute behaviorists. For example, in one study, researchers tied food to the end of a string, which they then tied to a perch. In order to admission the treat, the raven had to figure out how to pull up the string without it dropping when he grabbed the advantage with his bill. So, the raven figured out how pull the string up in bits at a fourth dimension, so stand on the string later each section was pulled, until the string was brusk enough that she could access the treat.

Ravens are besides known to exist quite cunning. In fact, they are opportunists. Immature ravens are particularly curious and they're attracted to shiny objects. Similar dogs who beloved to play chase when one who has a toy, ravens like to collect the shiny objects they find. Some biologists believe this is to show off to other ravens. A raven will also hoard objects in a cache.

Clever Tricksters

By the same token, ravens like to steal from each other. Like a birdie who caches food, the raven will bury food they don't consume, so other ravens don't have it. Even so, they are non above stealing other ravens' buried treasures. So, a raven volition also pretend to bury items in 1 spot, and so sneak abroad and coffin it somewhere else. 5

Use your wits.

When the raven is your spirit animate being, yous are chosen upon to rely on your wits in a given situation or when you are faced with a claiming in your life. Often in life, we tin can get on automatic pilot, accepting things the mode they are, or thinking we don't have the capacity to change them. The raven spirit beast tells you that with innovation and creative thinking, you can influence outcomes that affect the course of your life. Fifty-fifty if you lot experience emotional nigh a state of affairs, remember to rely on the gift of your intellect to solve your problems. This is how you gain deeper intelligence and wisdom.

The raven spirit guide also reminds you to protect your ideas and intellectual holding, whatsoever course they take. Whether it's your inventiveness, your work product, or even your aspirations, you accept no obligation to share them! Y'all are entitled to protect your "cache" of dreams and ideas until the fourth dimension when yous're ready to share them with the earth.

Survival and Adaptability

Corvus corax, raven

The shiny black raven tin survive and thrive in a wide range of habitats, from the tundra above the Arctic Circumvolve to the hot dry deserts of the American Southwest. The raven as well thrives in forests, mountains, on the coast, and in the urban jungle.

The raven has shown an uncanny ability to adapt, survive, and even thrive in a wide range of atmospheric condition. half-dozen In a world where and so many species take died out or are endangered, ravens, similar raccoons and coyotes, accept managed to thrive in our human-dominated world.

Therefore, ravens are powerful totems for dealing with an unusually challenging environment, whether it's your dwelling or work environment or even unfamiliar territory.


The raven is quite an agile flyer. They can perform circuitous aerobatics in the air, including rolling, tucking their wings and diving, and playing with objects by throwing them into the air then swooping down the catch them. 7

When the raven is your totem brute, yous should take the confidence that yous can handle whatever life throws your way. Fifty-fifty if it's a painful or less than ideal state of affairs, by existence active and using your wits, you tin survive and push through whatever situation to get to improve days ahead.

Be open to new experiences.

The raven spirit besides reminds y'all to be open to new experiences in your life and to not fearfulness change. 1 of the reasons that ravens are so enduring is that they're omnivores. They will eat anything, from carrion to other birds and their eggs, to human garbage, frogs, insects, fruits, vegetables, and more.

The raven spirit animal teaches you that every experience yous have in life, whether skillful or bad, tin be used to enrich your life and create a improve hereafter. No one enjoys terrible experiences, whether heartbreaking, abusive, or disappointing. Only it's up to you to determine if those experiences will poison you or be used to nurture your growth. The raven says that you tin find nourishment in every situation and use any challenge to evolve and become the person y'all want to be.

Partnerships and Guidance

Running Wolf with Raven
"Running Wolf with Raven." Artwork: Evgeny Hontor, Demiurgus Dreams.

Dissimilar crows, ravens don't more often than not congregate in large groups with other ravens, except when they're juveniles seeking a mate. In general, they spend most of their time with their mate, equally ravens are monogamous and mate for life.

A pair of ravens will work together to set up their nest and raise their immature until they're fix to go off on their own. Ravens as well collaborate with other species in symbiotic relationships.

For example, a raven volition warning a pack of wolves or coyotes if they see a carcass of some other dead animal. When the canines tear open the carcass, it makes it easier for the raven to access the meat. (Similarly, equally you'll meet in the section on ravens in Native American culture below, ravens also helped people to hunt in the same style by alerting them to herds of bison and elk.)

For these reasons, the raven is seen as a symbol of partnership. This could exist a romantic partnership or some other collaboration, such as a artistic or business organisation partnership. The raven spirit animal tells you to seek out partners who complement you, creating a 1 + 1 = 3 scenario. The raven understands the concept of reciprocity, or give and take.

Good Luck in Finding a Mate

If you are single and experience similar you are missing a soul mate in this lifetime, the raven can also be a skilful luck symbol for finding the right lifetime partner. It never hurts to pray and inquire your spirit guides and your Higher Power to help you find your soul mate. If yous see two ravens, it tin can be a sign that your soul mate is also looking for you.

Raven in flight with mate

Transformation and Opportunity

In folklore throughout the earth, the raven is seen every bit a symbol of change, every bit well as opportunity. They are also seen as intermediaries betwixt the material and spirit worlds. Because they eat carrion, ravens take long been associated with death and fifty-fifty bad luck. So, it's understandable that many observe them scary. However, on a spiritual level, death is non an finish but a transformation to some other land of being and consciousness.

The post-obit video is not well-nigh ravens, however, I wanted to include information technology hither because it addresses this concept of decease equally transformation. The Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh talks most this concept in a way that I found very comforting. This video is from Plum Hamlet.

While expiry is 1 of the ultimate transformations in a soul's journey to enlightenment, there are besides smaller transformations that occur throughout ane's lifetime here on World.

When yous consider the raven, call back nigh your life and the areas that you want to transform and improve. This could exist something small, like irresolute a habit, or it could be something greater, such as your career, a movement, getting out of an unhealthy relationship, or overcoming an addiction. The raven symbol can serve as a catalyst for positive alter in your life.

Third Heart, Prophecy, and Insights

Three-Eyed Raven
Three-Eyed Raven. Artwork: Alice Tams, Birds in Hats.

In the TV series Game of Thrones, ravens are central to the plot. In fact, the name of the main character Bran means "raven" in Welsh. Author George R. R. Martin is an expert on mythology, and in many cultural traditions, the raven is seen equally a source of insight and knowledge.

The Three-Eyed Raven

The three-eyed raven is symbolic for the raven having supernatural powers, including the gift of foresight. The third eye is a symbol of extra-sensory perception. The Irish say that a person who possesses a "raven's knowledge" has "the sight" or the gift of prophecy.

Edgar Alan Poe's The Raven

In Edgar Alan Poe's poem The Raven, which was inspired by notwithstanding another slice of literature – Charles Dickens' Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of Eighty, the raven is at first disturbing, but and then provides important insights. Indeed, in both stories, the raven expands the main characters' level of consciousness.

If the raven is your spirit animate being, you take the gift of insight into situations where others may be in the dark. When you have this kind of heightened sensation, including psychic abilities, it's imperative that y'all use these gifts to be a force for good in the globe. Always ask God, or your College Power, to walk in their light, then that you tin can apply your gifts every bit a healing and loving strength in the world.

Raven Spirit Creature

Raven spirit animal

The raven spirit animal can be a helpful guide equally you lot navigate your soul's journey. According to Native American traditions, you lot don't necessarily choose your spirit animate being; instead, they choose you. And you can take more than one. For Native Americans, a spirit animal will choose you when yous are on a vision quest or in another powerful experience that affects the form or your life.

If a raven captures your attention, whether in existent life or through art, the media, or elsewhere – take note. In that location are no coincidences. Your spirit animal serves as a guide, bringing y'all messages from the Universe to assistance guide you on your life path every bit y'all seek enlightenment.

How do you know if the raven is your spirit animate being?

Yous might already sense that the raven is your power fauna. If that'south the case, you lot may larn some new things in this mail that give your deeper insights. There is always more we can learn from these wise beings. And if y'all're notwithstanding wondering, consider the questions below and read more about the raven in this mail service. Hopefully you will have some "aha" moments! If you lot're curious near other animals who might exist your spirit guides, you can accept the spirit creature test on UniGuide.

Questions to consider:

  • Were you especially interested in ravens every bit child?
  • Has a raven made himself or herself known to you, whether by husky at yous from a perch, hopping nearby, or by flying directly in front end of yous? Or, has 1 riveted your attention in art, the media, on a piece of jewelry, or in some other way?
  • Exercise you feel a connection to ravens, and is your interest piqued when yous see them or hear almost them?
  • Has a raven entered your dreams?
  • Are there stories or movies with a raven or ravens that had a stiff impact on yous and stayed with you?
  • Have your friends or family ever described you every bit insightful or even psychic?
  • Do you lot prefer spending one-on-once with your significant other or a best friend vs. going to parties or places with large groups?

If y'all answered yes to the majority of these questions, you lot are likely a raven person.

Ravens in Ancient Mythology and Folklore

There are roughly ten subspecies of ravens and they inhabit countries mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. Because of their wide range, stories and folklore with ravens can exist constitute in many cultural traditions.

Native American Raven Meanings

Raven, Native American Artwork
"Raven Quest." Artwork: Karen Clarkson, Choctaw.

Each Native American tribe has their own set of cosmos stories and traditions. Simply one fix of beliefs they all share is a reverence for animals and the natural earth. Throughout Native American culture, the raven is seen as a powerful entity. At times, they are a shapeshifter who can transition from bird to human and dorsum.

In Native American legends, the raven was considered the wisest of birds, even possessing the power to speak. 8 (This is an interesting parallel between Native American legends and stories from other cultures, such as Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven, in which the bird too speaks.)

Native American tribes in the Pacific Northwest, such every bit the Tlingit, Tahltan, and the Haida People, depicted the raven as a smart trickster who protected adept people and who could outsmart his enemies.

The Tlingit and Haida People

For the Tlingit People, there are numerous raven stories. Indeed, the shiny black raven is seen as a creator spirit, who is present for the creation of everything, from daylight to fresh water to the oceans' tides.

For the Haida People, who hail from the expanse that is now British Columbia, the raven was a creator every bit well as a healer and sorcerer. In fact, the raven is seen as having brought the sun, moon, stars, fire, and fresh water to the world. 9

Navajo, Hopi, and Zuni

For the tribes of the American Southwest, including the Navajo, Hopi and Zuni, the raven is a sacred beingness in the Ghost Trip the light fantastic. This trip the light fantastic is a spiritual ritual for protection and resistance against oppression that is shared by many tribes.

For the Sioux People, the raven was viewed as a savior who could elevator ghost dancers up to heaven when the dandy inundation came. x

The Pathfinder

Just every bit they assistance wolves and coyotes observe food, ravens helped Native American hunting parties to find bison and other animals. For this reason, the raven was seen as a pathfinder.

Cherokee Raven Legend

The Cherokee have a number of cosmos stories about the raven. One pop story is that of the Raven Mocker. In Cherokee culture, if a person falls sicks, their illness can attract bad spirits who will come and try to hasten the person's death. One of these evil spirits is the Raven Mocker (Kâ'lanû Ahkyeli'skï), who tries to rob people of their life.

While the family and friends of the sick person may not see these evil spirits (and there tin can exist more than than one), they won't know why their loved ane is getting sicker. Meanwhile, the Raven Mocker volition attempt steal the heart from the sick person's breast. And if they are successful, they volition run up up the wound so the family doesn't know what happened.

Only a medicine man can drive the Raven Mockers away. The medicine many must sentry over the ill person. And if they do die, the medicine man must watch the person until they are buried to ensure the Raven Mockers don't steal the heart.

The medicine human also puts four stakes in the basis around the sick person'due south domicile. He then puts sacred tobacco in his pipe and walks effectually the domicile blowing protective smoke. And then he waits. If a Raven Mocker comes, ane of the stakes will wing up similar an pointer and destroy it.

Raven Totem

The raven totem represents the protective powers and insights of this beautiful blackness bird. This totem serves every bit a powerful symbol for transformation, intelligence, and fine tuning your third eye. Similar the eagle totem, the raven is also a symbol for long-term success in love and finding devoted and faithful partnerships.

Greek and Roman Mythology

The ancient Greeks associated the raven with the god Apollo. Naturally, Apollo was the god of prophecy. In the story of Coronis, who is Apollo'due south lover, Coronis falls in love with a human being named Ischys. Feeling suspicious, Apollo sends his white raven to spy on Coronis. The raven notifies Apollo that Coronis is romantically involved with Ischys, which enrages Apollo. So, the sun god throws a fiery curse at Coronis, which besides happens to singe the feathers of his raven, turning them blackness.

Raven Omen

Both the ancients Greeks and Romans believed that seeing a blackness raven was a bad omen and a sign of bad luck. Similar so many other cultures, they associated the raven with decease.

Although they considered them to be bad luck at times, the ancient Romans monitored the behavior of ravens as they idea it could tell them about the future. The aboriginal Romans used a divining method chosen augury, which interpreted omens by the beliefs or birds. The term "auspice" is loosely derived from Latin discussion "auspicium," which means "one who looks at birds." 11

The Raven in Egyptian Mythology

The ancient Egyptians revered their animal companions. In fact, in many Egyptian tombs, the mummies of beast companions are found aslope the mummies of humans. The Egyptians regularly connected their deities with animals. In fact, many were part beast and part human being. The Egyptian goddess Nepthys, who is the sister of Isis, was the goddess of the expressionless. 12 It's clear that the aboriginal Egyptians besides continued the raven with expiry, as they associated Nepthys with this intelligence black bird.

Raven Meanings in the Bible

Raven and (or crow) symbolism appears throughout the Bible. In fact, the raven is the starting time bird mentioned in the Book of Genesis.

In the story of the Peachy Flood, after xl days, Noah sends a raven (or crow or, more than likely, an ancestor of modern-twenty-four hour period corvids) to find dry country after the flood. The raven does not return. So Noah assumes that suitable dry land has not been found, every bit he knows the raven is able to eat carrion from the sea.

Later the raven, Noah sends a pigeon to see if there's dry land. At first, the pigeon returns. So, Noah realizes there is still no suitable state on which to dock the ark. But a calendar week later, he sends the dove out again and she returns with a freshly plucked olive branch, so Noah realizes that the Globe is finally habitable again. 13

Elsewhere in the Bible, in the Book of Kings 17:iv, God tells the prophet Elijah that the ravens volition feed him: "You volition drink from the beck, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there." 14

And in the story of Cain and Abel, information technology is the raven who teaches Abel how to bury his brother Cain subsequently he kills him. 15

Celtic Raven Symbolism

Ravens in the Tower of London
Jubilee and Munin, who alive in the Belfry of London. Photo: Colin.

The raven also figures prominently throughout ancient Celtic and English mythology. Brân the Blessed, or King Brân, is a character in Welsh mythology whose name means "raven." (Notably, he shares his first name with Bran Stark, the grapheme in Game of Thrones.)

According to ancient legend, Brân the Blessed was a trigger-happy warrior who was beheaded. Legend has it that his head is buried beneath what is now the Belfry of London, facing France. Brân's head is thought to protect the city of London.

To this day, ravens roost in the Tower. Londoners believe that if they go out, the city of London volition be unprotected. In fact, the ravens did get out the Tower during WWII. So, Winston Churchill ensured ravens were put back in the Tower to allay Londoners' concerns. 16

In the King Arthur legends, there is much mystery around how and where Male monarch Arthur died and was buried. Ane legend has it that he died at Avalon and was turned into a raven. And in the 13th century Welsh story The Dream of Rhonabwy, Rhonabwy dreams that Male monarch Arthur talks to him and he mentions ravens beingness used in battles. 17

The Raven and Celtic Gods and Goddesses

For the aboriginal Celts, the raven was associated with battle. Undoubtedly because, as feces-eating birds, ravens were often present at battle scenes. The Celtic goddess Morrigan, who was the goddess of war and death, is associated with ravens. The Celts believed the ravens assisted her in defeating her warriors' enemies.

The Celts associated the Scottish goddess Cailleach Bheure, who was the goddess of rebirth and fertility, with ravens. 18

In addition, the Celts continued their god Lugh, who was a sun god and a main of artisans, skills, and warfare, with ravens. 19

Norse Raven Mythology

Odin with ravens
Odin with is weapons, wolves, and ravens by Wilhelm Wägner, 1882. Image: Carl Emil Doepler.

According to Nordic legends, the god Odin had two raven companions whom he chosen Munnin and Hugi. These names interpret to "Retentivity" and "Idea." Munnin and Hugi served as Odin'south spies, bringing him news and data about happenings on Globe. 20

Asian Raven Meanings

Three-Legged Raven in Japan, Red china, and Korea

Asian cultures, including Japan, Red china, and Korea, take myths about a three-legged raven whom they associated with the sun. This iii-legged raven also symbolized divine intervention in activities that take place on the Earthly plane. 21

The Raven in Tibetan Buddhism

Raven artwork in a Tibetan banner
"Attributes of the half dozen-handed Yeshe Gonpo." Raven artwork in a Tibetan banner. Image: Wellcome Collection Gallery.

The Tibetans view the raven every bit an cheering bird and a protector of wisdom. In a Tibetan Buddhist story from the 15th century, a monk named Ngawang Drakpa travelled to what is now the Gyalrong district of eastern Tibet.

Ngawang Drakpa planned to build a monastery there, but was unsure of where to place it. As he was scouting around, a raven flew downward and grabbed his scarf. Ngawang followed the raven to a juniper tree, where the raven placed the scarf on ane of the branches. And then, the monk saw this as an auspicious sign that this was the right place to build the monastery. 22

Hindu Raven Mythology

In Hindu culture, the raven helps to link the living with the dead. In the Hindu practice of Shradh, Hindus feed ravens and crows. They do so because they believe the birds will so bring nutrient to their ancestors who accept passed.

Hindus view the raven as a messenger betwixt Earth and the Pitruloka, which is like Sky in Judeo-Christian behavior. In fact, the Hindus consider it skilful luck if a raven eats offerings given to their ancestors start, before a grouping of crows partakes. 23

Raven Dream Meaning

If y'all dream of a raven, it's of import to clarify the emotions you felt in the dream. These feelings will give you lot insights into what the raven may symbolize for you. For case, did you feel fear or joy? Feet or wonder? Dreams can reveal things that nosotros're not actively addressing in our conscious, awake state – just which nosotros should address.

Consider some of the mutual raven meanings and symbols described in this mail. Then,  reflect on the areas of your life that they might relate to. Even anxious dreams can exist gifts. They can prompt us to take the fourth dimension to be objective observers of our own thoughts. Then, we can ameliorate situations without getting pulled in every direction our thoughts take united states of america.

Many psychic mediums say that you should pay particular attention to your vivid dreams. If you lot dream of people yous know or a pet (living or who have passed), as well every bit creatures like a raven, and the dream feels very real, it could mean you have connected with these souls on the astral plane.

Raven Tattoo

Raven TattooA raven tattoo tells the world that yous believe in the magic and mystery of life, and that you are also deeply connected to the metaphysical realm. It can also demonstrate that you are a person who embraces modify. Or that you are undergoing your ain personal transformations. Tattoos are obviously deeply personal. But hopefully delving into the multi-faceted cultural belief effectually these intelligent birds will imbue extra meaning into your tattoo.

Organizations that Protect Ravens

In the United states of america, the raven is protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. This means that y'all cannot legally kill, possess, sell, purchase, barter, send, or export these birds, their parts, eggs, or nests, except under the terms of a valid Federal let. 24

Thankfully, ravens are federally protected and their numbers are plentiful. However, like the vast majority of wildlife on our planet, ravens however confront threats from human being beings. These include being shot at, poisoned, and ingesting toxins in the environment. Both pet and feral dogs and cats likewise threaten raves. If you care nigh ravens, please help to protect them. Hither are some organizations that are working to protect ravens and other birds:

  • Found for Wildlife Studies
  • Audubon Club
  • Defenders of Wildlife
  • The Alalā Project
  • San Diego Zoo Establish for Conservation Research
  • Institute for Wild fauna Studies


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